Posts Tagged ‘my’

On the Precipice of Now

October 23, 2008

Do I step forward
and fall deeper into you?

Or do I step backward
and continue my own personal slide into hell?


October 22, 2008

My love for you is real
I mean it

I love you

My love for you is real
A necessity

Like oil is for cars
Like coal is for electricity
Like nuclear is for bombs
Like decomposition is for death

My love for you is real
I mean it

I love you
And I’m sorry


October 20, 2008

I hear the words coming out of my mouth
Their sounds reverberate in my ears
And I understand them

But within the space
from the time my words leave my mouth
and reach your ears

Something happens

I’m not sure what it is

Perhaps it’s some supra natural force
That is yet undiscovered, undefined

That changes them mid-flight

Into something unintelligible

Something pathetic

Something ridiculous

Something other than what I intended

I Love You But

October 20, 2008

I love you but
I wonder if that’s enough
For you
to overcome a lifetime of
bitter memories trapped inside your head
and heart

Memories that will never part
No matter how long they have survived
My many attempts to destroy them by
creating new
and better ones

Ones that you always had wished for
Ones that you had always blamed me for
never giving you

Instead I gave you the ones you have now
The ones that will never part
No matter how long they have survived
My many attempts to destroy them